


Why Video Production in San Jose Is Digital Marketing’s Biggest Money-Making Tool July 19, 2021

If video is the future (and these statistics make it pretty undeniable!), then the future is here. Given that 93% of brands snagged a new customer due to a social media video and 84% of people bought a brand’s product after seeing their videos, you’re probably wondering if video production in Silicon Valley can work the same magic for you. See for yourself— check out some of the most eye-opening facts about video marketing below! Videos capture users’ attention in…

It’s a kind of magic May 6, 2021

People sometimes ask me what it’s like to make TV commercials for a living and they often suggest that it must be fun. So, I’ll let you in on a little secret. It is. First of all, I’ve always liked telling stories and making jokes. Getting a laugh out of somebody is always a shared Dopamine surge – you know that you gave someone some happiness and it feels good. Now multiply that by a 1000 people watching a video…

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