


How to Create a Powerful Brand Story Through Video Production Near Me March 9, 2022

When you’re looking to create a powerful brand story, often there is no better medium than videos.In fact, studies show that people are 85% more likely to buy a product after watching a video. And why is that? Videos can capture our attention, trigger our emotions and make us visualize how we can benefit from using the product or service. We’re going to  show you exactly how you can use video production near me to create powerful brand stories —…

What is Post-Production & Why Is It Important to Video Production Services? January 12, 2022

Video production services have three main stages: pre-production, production and post-production. The first stage is pre-production. This is all about planning the video: talking about and writing the script, getting a crew together, scouting locations for the shoot and related tasks. You’ve got ideas but you haven’t really started yet; this is pre-production. Once that’s done, the process moves on to production. This is the point when the actual footage is shot. A production shoot can involve the cast, director,…

Commercial Video Production: Hook Your Audience with 12 Types of Video Content! September 1, 2021

In previous blogs, we’ve already discussed why commercial video production is a fantastic sales tactic and why you don’t even need a huge budget to get started. Now the NEXT question is: what kind of videos should you put out? You have tons of terrific options, but we highly-recommend adding these 12 types of video content to your marketing strategy. They’re all engaging, shareable and highly-informative about different aspects of your business. While not exhaustive, this list should provide a…

It’s a kind of magic May 6, 2021

People sometimes ask me what it’s like to make TV commercials for a living and they often suggest that it must be fun. So, I’ll let you in on a little secret. It is. First of all, I’ve always liked telling stories and making jokes. Getting a laugh out of somebody is always a shared Dopamine surge – you know that you gave someone some happiness and it feels good. Now multiply that by a 1000 people watching a video…

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